Sunday, December 23, 2007

Destiny Number

Destiny Number Meanings
If you have not yet learned to calculate your Destiny number you can do so here.

Destiny Number 1

A destiny number of 1 indicates that you are destined to a position of leadership. You can live up to this destiny by using your ability to think and act for yourself. By relying on your determination, independence and strength you will be able to make your own path in the world. You shouldn't be afraid to stray from the safe path and try new things or new methods of approaching problems. If you rely on your creativity and strength of character you can have success in new endeavors while leading others to follow you there.

Destiny Number 2

People with a Destiny number of 2 are meant for positions of diplomacy and peacemaking. To move toward your destiny you can use your tact, power of persuasion and diplomatic skills to help others resolve differences. You may find great satisfaction and fulfillment in helping to resolve problems, even though it may not always be something that you are eager to do.

Destiny Number 3

A Destiny number of 3 shows that you are meant to utilize creativity and optimism in life. Part of your job in life is to help other people realize the power of joy, laughter, and imagination. By helping others who may have lost the joy of living learn to appreciate life and live it to its fullest (and most joyful) you will find your own joy and fulfillment. Expressing yourself creatively is key to making this happen.

Destiny Number 4

With a Destiny number of 4 the key to finding happiness will be found in organization, good management, and practicality. Finding order in your life and personal affairs and building things to last will help you to find fulfillment in life. By taking responsibility and allowing others to depend on you to be practical and get things done you will be working toward your destiny.

Destiny Number 5

With a Destiny Number of 5 you must represent freedom to find fulfillment. To live up to your destiny you must work to embrace change and not fear it or cling to the familiar in your life. It doesn't mean rushing blindly into something new, however keeping yourself open to change and taking on new opportunities, challenges and adventures when they present themselves will lead to your ultimate happiness.

Destiny Number 6

The key to a Destiny number of 6 is to live your life as a humanitarian. Helping those who are weak, down on their luck or unhappy will help you to find happiness in your own life. You also should strive to beautify the world around you with artistic endeavors. While you should not completely sacrifice yourself to the service of others, helping those in need will open the door to beauty, love and harmony in your own life.

Destiny Number 7

A Destiny number of 7 means you will find fulfullment through teaching others. By pursuing an ongoing quest for knowledge and then sharing your findings with your fellow it through teaching, writing or some other will bring joy inot your own life. By following your destiny your life should be an interesting one full of the exploration of science, mysteries, the occult or other fascinating fields.

Destiny Number 8

A Destiny number of 8 opens the door for you to strive for accomplishment and success in your work and life. Setting goals and working dilligently toward them will reward you with many gains including authority, personal recognition and financial success. It is important that you do not set financial gain as your only goal in your endeavors in life, although you will likely find that with hard work that will be one of your rewards. Work instead for the sense of accomplishment of a job well done and for the simple love of doing what you do and happiness and success will likely follow.

Destiny Number 9

With a Destiny number of 9 you are meant to bring charity, beauty, art, romance and perfection into the world. By living a life filled with generosity, a kindness of spirit, compassion, forgiveness and understanding you will be rewarded with ultimate happiness and a wealth of gifts from life. You should live your life with the goal of making even the most ordinary things in life lovely and full of beauty.

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