Saturday, December 22, 2007

Life Path 9

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy. By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal fulfillment.
Life Path #9
The 9 Life Path is about being passionate and compassionate. It is about understanding the highs and lows of life. Being grounded and attuning to the simple things in life, rather than the material is important for your growth. Helping others is as important as helping yourself.

Even from a young age sharing and charity work is important for you. Charitable work is very important to you and is close to your heart.

You enjoy the arts and sciences, although you may leave the creativity to others. Although you could probably write the movie or play, you would rather watch it. A career in the reviews industry might serve you well if this is the case.

You enjoy reading, learning, and experimenting. Sometimes your experiments may get you into trouble. Many early painful lessons can come from your experiments, but the knowledge you gain can make you an excellent teacher, inventor, or historian.

You may have to wait until later in life for marriage, or at least a long lasting one. In your younger years your relationships may be quick, intense and life altering but not enduring. You must be careful and aware not to "use" someone for their knowledge and then drop them. Learning to balance your relationships between intense love and friendship can be a challenge for you.

You have learned by now that you cannot be self-serving. You have found ways to incorporate your desires, needs, and interests with those of the people in your life. By sharing you have brought in a larger circle of friends into your life. They may be attracted to your knowledge, wisdom, charm or odd world view. Whatever they are interested in, helps you to be you and is worth sharing with the world.

You have learned to balance work, play, relationships and learning. They do not all need to mix. Although you love your mate, he/she does not have to share your intellectual interests.

You have also learned that it is okay to have a spiritual side. You have a heavy thirst for meaningful insight. By following your desires you can open doors for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to walk a new path.

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